Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Getting started

OK...I have decided to make this a real commitment this time.  I have tried to loose weight all my adult life and have been successful for a short time but I have never been able to keep it off.  I have never told anyone my exact weight from the scale because I of course am very ashamed that I let myself get this way.  So I'm going about this weight loss a totally different way this time.  I have asked my husband for help in keeping my going to the gym regularly.(This is a big step for me)  I am also asking my friends and family that are going to read this blog to also hold me accountable for doing what I say I'm going to do.  I am going to get on the treadmill at home or in the gym for at least 30 min a day 5 days a week.  a am also working some of the machines @ the Snap fitness in J'ville.  So I will be posting my actual weight later on and I will be keeping everyone abreast of my progress.  Thanks for helping me with this journey of a lifetime. 

1 comment:

  1. I know you will be successful, just as you are at everything you set your mind to. I'm happy your taking the time and energy to do something for yourself for a change. And you have all my support, thank you for letting me play a part in your juorney.

    All my Love,
