Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Working Out

Well today it was up @ 4AM with Les to hit the gym.  I have started doing a program on the treadmill P-7 for weight loss and I chose to do it on level 3.  I can't keep up.  I am always reducing the speed from 3.7 to 3.5 or even 3.3 when the incline goes up to 4.0.  I am going to keep doing it though because one day I'm not going to have to change the speed.  I will be shouting and jumping up and down on that day.  Keep posted to find out when I conquer the treadmill!! 


  1. You are doing great! Keep up the good work! I love this site. Maybe it will motivate me to get up off my butt and get movin!

  2. Thanks Jen...I really like the fact that I'm putting myself out there and I'm being real with myself for once about being overweight. Thanks for being my first follower.
